On 27 September 2010, the ICC published its revision of the Incoterms 2010. The revision has been implemented since 1 January 2011. INCOTERMS is a term created by the combination of several sylis from the words English (International Commercial Ter terms). INCOTERMS are prepared by the International Chamber of Commerce (MTO) (ISC).
The most radical change was the abolition of the four rules. DAF (delivered at Frontier/delivered at Border), DES (delivered at Ex Ship), DEQ (delivered at Ex Quay/Shipboard), DDU (delivered at Duty Unpaid/Zoll Official Delivery Without Payment) conditions apply from the beginning of 2011 until the validity of the registration cadre. Instead, two new conditions have been implemented, including DAT (delivered at Terminal/Delivery) and DAP (delivered at Place/Delivery at Designated Place). The number of rules from ıncoterms has been reduced from 13 to 11.
INCOTERMS was also divided into two groups in general. The rules for all types of transport were identified as EXW – FCA – CPT – CıP – DAT – DDP. FAS – FOB – CFR – MERCURY rules were collected under the name “Sea and inland waterway transport” to cover only the transport modes of the waterways.
On the other hand, significant changes have been made to the content of FAS – FOB – CFR – MERCURY rules.
Delivery methods for all types of transports:
EXW (Ex Works)
Delivery at the workplace
FCA (Free Carrier)
CPT (Carriage Paid To)
Traffic paid
CıP (carriage and ınsured Paid To)transport and insurance paid
DAT (Delivered At Terminal)
(Effective: 01.01.2011)
Delivery at the terminal
DAP (Delivered At Place)
(Effective: 01.01.2011)
Delivery to designated site
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
Zollernalbkreise paid
Delivery methods used only for sea and inland waterway transport:
FAS (free of charge next to ship)
ship tariff
FOB (Free On Board)
Non-costs on board
CFR (Costs and Freigh)
Fees and freight
CIGF (costs, insurance and freight)
Costs, insurance and freight
Only the delivery forms CIP and MERCURY predict the goods of the seller.